Possible Speakers for Chapter Meetings
Environmental Issues
- Matt Doll, Operations and Engagement Director for the Minnesota Environmental Partnership: Minnesota Environmental Partnership
- Bill Middlecamp; wjm.political@gmail.com
- Don Arnosti, Environmental Organizer; donarnosti@gmail.com
- Save the Boundary Waters (website); Amanda Hefner; amanda@savetheboundarywaters.org – (presentation)
- Linda Hopkins (lin.hopkins@hotmail.com), Cindy Spellman (rooskie0825@gmail.com): “Idiots, Drunkards, and Women: Why America needs the Equal Rights Amendment.” Our talk sets out a brief history of women to be fully protected citizens under the law, and where Minnesota and the federal government are right now in this struggle.
- League of Women Voters; info@lwvmn.org
- Undo Citizens United; Move to Amend; Jeff Clark; saintpaul@movetoamend.org
- Undo Citizen United; American Promise; Vicki Barnes; vickibarnes301@gmail.com
- Ranked Choice Voting; Fair Vote Minnesota; Heather Kindworth; info@fairvotemn.org
- Popular Vote Amendment; Rosemary Heilemann; rosemaryheilemann@ gmail.com
- Peter Callaghan; pcallaghan@minnpost.com; MinnPost reporter covering state government and politics
- Matt McNeil: jojomcn@yahoo.com; highly engaging AM950 progressive talk show host
- Prof. David A. Schultz; dschultz@hamline.edu
- Electoral College; Mel Aanerud; aanerud4@comcast.net
- Immigration and American Rights from a Layperson’s Perspective; Paul Tuveson; prtuveson@gmail.com
- Gerrymandering; Paul Huffman; phuffman@lwvmn.org
- Louise Sundin, AFL/CIO, Minneapolis Regional Labor Federation; https://workingpartnerships.org/staff-member/louise-sundin/; topic is ageism
- Dr Mary Radomski; mary@choosingpurpose.com; Choosing Purpose–the Art and Science of Living on Purpose
- Rajean Moone, PhD: rajeanmoone@yahoo.com
- ACLU; Elizabeth Fitzgerald; fitzgerald@aclu.org
- Citizens League of Minnesota; Jacob Taintor; jtaintor@citizensleague.org
- Minnesota Growth and Justice; Jane Leonard; info@growthandjustice.org.
- Elder Voice Family Advocate; eldervoicefamilyadvocates.org/contact-us
- AARP; Meghan Redmond; mredmond@aarp.org
- Take Action Minnesota; Robert Haider; takeactionminnesota.org/person/robert-haider
Health Care
- Kip
- Compassion and Choices; Doctor Rebecca Thoman; rthoman@compassionAndChoces.org
History and Leisure
- Twin City Model Railroad Museum; 651-647-9628; www.tcmrm.org
- Minnesota Tourism; Anne Paterson; paterson@state.mn.us