Senior Caucus Day on the Hill

On Tuesday, March 25, Senior Caucus members will meet to hear from legislators and discuss issues. The meeting runs 9:00a-12:00p, with registration starting at 8:30. The meeting will be held in the Centennial Office Building (Cedar St, just north of the Capitol...

“By the way…” with Kay

Kay Hendrikson   DFL Senior Caucus Chair   February 2025 Hi All, Sad? Mad? I KNOW you are trying to figure out what to do.  We all are. I’ve added a section below on “CALL TO ACTION” and I’m asking you as individuals and as chapters to “make some noise.” We have...

Save the Dates for These Senior Caucus Events!

The DFL Senior Caucus is planning the following events. Put the dates on your calendar and watch this space for more information. Annual Meeting: Saturday, June 14, 10:00, on Zoom Summer Social: July 12, in Duluth. Travel with other Senior Caucus members to the great...

St Paul Chapter Fires Up!

Join the St Paul chapter of the DFL Senior Caucus as they organize for action. Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday, 11:30-1:00, at the Mississippi Market Co-op on East 7th Street (740 E 7 th Street, St. Paul). Carol Ball and Al Oertwig are the current organizers...

Linda Hopkins Offers Two Classes

Join Linda Hopkins on March 13 for the second of two seminars at the Shoreview Community Center. The cost is $19.00 for non-Shoreview residents. Sign up by sending an email to Jennifer Verbrugge at or calling 651.490.4714. The Mother of...

Join us and become an active member of our DFL Community Caucus to help us address the needs of seniors. You can join one or more of our local chapters and any of our committees leading us on vital issues that concern us all. Your membership allows us to reach more seniors and have a larger voice on issues. You become part of a mission and movement to address the needs of senior citizens across Minnesota.

Making a better world for our Children, our Grandchildren, and Ourselves!

MN DFL Seniors Group Shot

Who We Are

We are seniors affiliated with the MN Democrat party (DFL) who created the DFL Senior Caucus in order to influence government on behalf of anyone 55 or older.  We believe what Paul Wellstone said: “We all do better when we all do better!”

What We Do

We listen to seniors, whether they are still working or whether they are retired, to learn what they want now and in the future. We actively support and work with DFL legislators, candidates and officials willing to address senior needs.

Where We Are

We have a state-wide board that works with Minnesota State and Federal Officials to advance programs addressing senior needs. We have critical committees that develop our programs, connect with seniors, and lobby our legislators. We have a network of local chapters across Minnesota, North, South, and Central promoting local senior needs and keeping seniors across the state up-to-date.

Please Join Us!

When I retired, I decided to join DFL Senior Caucus to continue my support for people programs including Medicare, Social Security, health care, voting rights, informed decision-making about political decisions and the pleasure of joining together with those who support these issues…

Julianne J